My name is Dolphus Raymond. From what most assume in the town I’m just a lazy old alcoholic but that’s just what they see. They think the way I live is an affect of my so called “drinking problem”. Really, all that is in my little brown bag is a nice cold coca cola. Yeah that’s right; it ain’t anything close to alcohol. I just let them go around thinking that’s what it is so I can live the way I want to live. Just because I live a little sloppy, as they would say, doesn’t mean I have a problem it’s just the way I like to live. Another thin is my lovely wife who happens to be black. Too many people are based on the fact that a white man is married to black women. I don’t get why they just can’t see through the skin and see that we love each other day in and day out. Shouldn’t that be the most important ingredient anyway? I don’t get in there business and ridicule them for marrying a certain women because usually I know they love each other. I just wish people would stop getting all in my business and maybe start paying a little more attention to there own. Or maybe just walk in my shoes for a day and see what I go through and just see how I should not even be put through it.
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